As a result of this aggressive behavior by the credit card companies, you may find that your account has been turned over to a law firm for collection. Many law firms are taking the credit card companies on as clients in order for them to collect the credit card accounts that are outstanding and some of these law firms are starting to cater to credit card companies exclusively.
It is unsettling to think that the chances of getting sued by credit card companies is more likely to happen due to these law firms, but what is more unsettling is knowing that some of the information used by these credit card companies to sue you may be flawed, incomplete and inaccurate. A quote from New York Times reporter Jessica Silver-Greenberg recent article says, Credit card companies are taking consumers to court over debts without regard to accuracy. She goes on to point out that, the credit card companies are churning out consumer lawsuits based on erroneous documents and incomplete records.
In her article, Jessica continues with a quote from Judge Noach Dear, who says he hears up to 100 credit card cases per day in the New York state court. Judge Dear goes on to say, I would say that roughly 90 percent of the credit card lawsuits are flawed and can't prove the person owes the debt.
After knowing how compelling this evidence is in regards to faulty information used by the credit card companies to sue you, it is obvious you need the help of a practicing attorney who is licensed to help in credit card cases. You have to hire a lawyer who is licensed to practice law in the state you live in to represent you in court should a suit be filed against you. To be legally represented in court against credit card companies, it must be a lawyer and not a debt settlement company. In addition, any representation you get from an attorney based debt settlement company, you have to make sure and know that the attorney must be licensed to practice law in your state and that he or she is in fact a licensed, practicing attorney.
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